Monday, January 31, 2011

*Thank You*

Dear Friends,

Evans has been doing so much better and making improvements everyday. And we would just want to write a thank you for all your help, prayers and words of faith towards us. These things lift us up and have helped us get through Evans fight against cancer. We all hope that one day we can show as much love and friendship as you have shown us for the past year. I remember the very beginning of all this, with moms complications during those 9 months. I remember her in the hospitol just waiting for all this to end. But not only do I remember that, I remember all the people who came to the hospitol to see mom or to see Evan. And for all the people who came to the Fundraiser (hosted by Brittany Checketts) and not only donated but also took the time out of their day to be there. I also thank all the people who brought dinner for us or who were there for us DeVol kids as well, I know some of you may think these things are very small but it made a big difference in our lives. I have learned a lot of lessons in the past year and I thank you all for that. May god bless you,Thank You.


DeVol Kids

*Written by Nadia DeVol

1 comment:

  1. We love you too I wish i could have helped i feel like i kinda lacked but one thing i didnt lack was keeping your family in my prayers every day!

    Carly Miklya
